imageBiofeedback refers to training or coaching process in which technology is used to help receive more information about the body than normal senses provide. The information is used to raise the level of awareness about function and eventually, to increase voluntary self control over the function; such as heart rate, muscle tension, stomach acidity, skin conductance, respiratory patterns, body position, joint angle, skin temperatures, brain electrical, and blood flow activity. The Biofeedback device is a Class II Medical device that consists of software, interface module, and four straps for ankles, wrists, and a headband, which when connected communicates with 54 different electrical pathways that run within the body. Biofeedback works by integrating highly sophisticated, sensitive, computerized biofeedback instruments. These systems are multifunctional, and are able to communicate in excess of 1/1000 of a second. This high rate of communication electronically surveys the body for fight or flight reactions to over 10,000 substances. The EPFX is able to test for food sensitivities, allergies, provide complete vitamin and mineral status, pinpoint blockages and weakness of internal organs and systems early in a chance to rectify behavior and help revive these functions before more serious ailments develop. A Trivector electronic signal for the 10,000 substances are stored within the system. The biofeedback device then delivers the signal to the client provoking a fight or flight response which is recorded and is later tabulated on the health matrix software for future viewing. This testing is called the Xrroid test. Every session is different. Each person’s testing and balancing program is designed specifically to the outcome of the Xrroid testing. Upon completion of the test, the systems software highlights the risk profiles and recommends programs and procedures to be implemented during that session.